Monday, September 22, 2008

IMPORTANT!!! I Have a NEW Agent!

Ladies and Gents, Players and Pimps...

God is a good God and He's looking over me and I am blessed to have Him in my life. With that said, I am NO LONGER represented by Baron Entertainment. I had been with Baron since before I moved to Los Angeles - we had been working together since June 2007. Over the past few months, you all have celebrated my successes with me, Baron unfortunately has not. I won't get into the details of it at this time. However, less than 2 weeks ago, I met with Candace Stewart and John Ly of the John Ly Agency in Hollywood. Candace and John have committed themselves to seeing me succeed in a wonderful, brilliant, and creative fashion. Effective immediately, I am represented by the John Ly Agency and all correspondence for bookings/appearances/castings shall be done through them until further notice. Thank you!

Candace Stewart/John Ly
c/o John Ly Agency
1601 N. Gower Ste 202
Hollywood, CA 90028
Ph: 323-463-8601
Fax: 323-463-8608