Yes, that's right. It's true! Last Thursday at California State University Northridge, Karrine Steffans packed a room to capacity - and I do mean capacity (fire marshall was ready to shut it down) to speak on her experiences in the hip hop industry.
When I first heard about the event, which I was asked to moderate, I was nervous and excited at the same time. I've had my fair share of nervous assignments, but this one took the cake. When the clock struck 3:45pm on Thursday, November 20, 2008, it was showtime for me and Ms. Steffans.
Everything seemed to be going well until a female CSUN student gave Karrine an earful of her colorful opinions she had been saving for Steffans. You can view the video below.
Later during the question-and-answer forum, Steffans continued to stress points that many of the students either weren't understanding or chose not to embrace.
Now for my opinions...I think it's important to keep in mind that none of us are perfect - myself included. I'll be surprised if the Good Lord even allows me to wear white on my wedding day if I'm ever so lucky to get to experience such a fulfilling and wonderful, life-changing event. I also must say that it's not about what she's done but more about what she's doing now. After the event I spoke with Karrine and she told me she enjoyed herself and had a great time but wishes people would check themselves before attempting to check someone else.
Her motto: "Just because you started off wrong, doesn't mean you won't end up right."
Have and show some respect for a woman trying to reshape her image. Every Sunday we listen to pastors preach; many of them had their fair share of "inappropriate behavior." So what makes her so different?? Nothing.
Let the beat drop...I'm out.